Universalia - Inventing Ideas

Terms and Conditions

All the softwares given in the site are not under my property and are not created by me. The downloads are only links to the sites which offer download. The site is only meant for fair stuffs. That means the site won't have any pirated softwares like cracked softwares, games and I recommend all the users not to ask me to give illegal stuffs on the website. The only products given on the site are free and fair products and downloading them is not against the rules. The guides, the softwares and all other stuffs may or may not be from external sites. The softwares mainly are linked to other sites and some of the guides are made by me though I refer to some external sites and resources. Flaming is not allowed on the website and I request all the users to behave politely throughout the website.The Beta softwares are not fully‐functional softwares but are just test examples of the upcoming software. Beta versions are not supposed to be working perfectly but some do. If you are experiencing any kind of problems with beta softwares, I recommend you contact with the provider and to uninstall the program if there is instability in your PC.

Most contents inside Crave and Gamer are taken from major websites like GameSpot, Cnet and more. I do not own all of the topics and reviews inside the blog. Videos are taken from YouTube and the sources themselves. Trial softwares are the copyrighted materials of the organizations that created them. We are not responsible for illegal use of the particular softwares. You can copy the trial softwares but modifying them without permission is illegal.


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